Mooooooore Spin!

Hey guys!!

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I am in a REALLY good mood today, and sadly that’s rare these days. I’ve taught 2 spin classes in the last 24 hours and one of those was at a new gym that I got hired at over the weekend! πŸ™‚ The gym just opened in June and it is super gorgeous. It’s a small gym in DUMBO, Brooklyn near the F train and A train (for my New Yorkers) called The Fitness Guru.

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I’ve been applying to gyms and ads on Craigslist so that I can obtain more classes since I am still just a sub right now at 24 Hour Fitness. However, I hope that will change soon too! πŸ˜‰

So what’s up other than spinning my butt off? I’m really not loving running at all right now. So much so that I kind of don’t even miss it. I woke up Sunday morning with the intent to run 10 miles to see if I was in any kind of shape to run the half marathon this upcoming weekend, but I couldn’t even get out the door to do so. I KNOW a huge part of it is the weather and the fact that the treadmill just isn’t an option for me (I’ve mentioned before it very badly hurts my hips and therefore my knees, shins, foot, etc.) for more than 3 miles TOPS. I KNOW the weather shouldn’t be an excuse but my heart is just not in it right now. I am pretty sure I will not run the half this weekend because it’s kind of stupid to do so with only having 2 long runs under my belt in 2 months, but I may wake up Sunday morning and decide to give it a try. Really probably shouldn’t since the last few runs I’ve done have left my knee in pain, but I may be stupid. (This is me talking out loud)

Well while I hem and haw about that, let me give you a recipe for the amazing iced mocha I made which is sugar-free and dairy-free. I’ve been using too much of the flavored creamers recently and while they are fine in moderation, I should back away from using them every morning. I also really don’t LOVE hot coffee so if you’re crazy like me and drink iced coffees all year, you’ll love this!

  • 1 heaping tablespoon instant espresso (I use THIS one)
  • 2.5 (ish) tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder (I used a mix of dark cocoa powder and regular)
  • 1.25 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • Stevia or desired sweetener
  • Ice

Take the instant espresso and cocoa powder and put them in a cup or container of sorts. Add a little more than 1/4 cup hot water and mix thoroughly. Add in desired sweetener (I used 6 drops chocolate stevia and 2 packets of splenda) Put in the freezer for 10-20 minutes so it gets cold faster. Pour in cute, overpriced Starbucks tumbler and add in the almond milk and ice. Stir it up and sip away.

Said Starbucks tumbler.
Said Starbucks tumbler.

A cleaner coffee drink to get me out of bed πŸ™‚

Picked up a spin class for tonight! Woo hoo! Hopefully people will show up since when it snows in NYC, it becomes the apocalypse.

Do you prefer hot or iced coffee? Does it matter the season?

What form of cardio do you like better; spin or running?

25 thoughts on “Mooooooore Spin!”

    1. Thank you Erica, you are too sweet! πŸ˜€ Ugh, I am so jealous of your weather right now. Its hard to walk through the ice/snow and the windchill is making the temps below 10 degrees!

  1. Congrats on your new spinning gig!! I’m up in the air for the half on Sunday too 😦 I’ve been doing PT but I don’t know if I should push it. If Sunday doesn’t happen, once I am more healed we need to plan a run in Central Park!! I will keep you posted if I do it or not!! 😦

    1. I am definitely not going to risk it… its just not worth it with the NYC half 2 months away! Its also not worth it to risk it when you arent feeling 100% in your injury! I would LOVE to run with you!! We should plan on the weekend after this and get in some miles together!

  2. So sorry to hear that you haven’t been loving running lately! No shame in taking a break from it when that happens. We’ve all been there. When you’re in the mood again, I’m up for a run together ANYTIME! By the way, you look AMAZING and STRONG!

    1. THANK YOU BETH!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ You are so positive all the time and I admire that! I have to start training for the NYC half in march so ill have no choice but to start loving running again in the next week πŸ™‚

  3. I literally drink a sugar free vanilla iced coffee from Starbucks almost everyday, no matter if it’s – 12 like it is today! 😦

  4. I’m with your right now on all the spin! Flywheeling my life away! I am trying to get more consistent with running after a significant hiatus post NYCM. Happily I like the treadmill its more needing to want to run vs spin.

    PS love that top!

    1. Really wish the treadmill didn’t murder my hips! Not sure why since I run with a 1.5-2% incline MINIMUM?? I can get past the boring part but it’s having to stop before i get to 2 miles to stretch because it makes everything so tight for me! Eeeeeek. But the weather is just making training next to imposs right now 😦 Top is from H&M! They have adorable, affordable workout clothes at the 34th street location!

    1. Haha my hands were so red and chapped by the time I got to work from picking up my iced coffee a few blocks away! Worth it! πŸ˜€

  5. Hi Jen! Just wanted to say I love reading your blog! I’m so happy I came across it in that Women’s Magazine Blog. Like you recommended in that article I have tried looking up other food/healthy living blogs, but none have captured my interest like yours has. I love the realness and openness about it. Some days I swear your reading my journal lol. I really look forward to every post, its always a small pick-me up in my day. I currently have started the long uphill journey to getting back to being healthy and fit again, and your blog is a very big part of that. Anyway just wanted to say Hi and that I look forward to the next post!

    1. Ahhhhhh thank you so much you just made my day πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Nothing makes me happier than knowing people enjoy my writing and that I make them feel a little more normal and give them a laugh πŸ™‚ Hope you keep enjoying my posts! ❀

  6. I adore you posts and read them regularly! I too teach spin and on a sub basis as well. I have a passion for health and I wanted to share with you a website and an article. Have you check out Food Babe ( She’s a wonderful investigator into the foods we eat! She’s got a wonderful article on Stevia and artificial sugar use (

    Love reading your fitness posts and keep up the good work! You’re an inspiration!

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