Happy Friday! (+YAY!)

Thank you guys so much for all the sweet comments on my Anniversary post! I’m glad you enjoyed the picture sequence and didn’t find my post too mushy πŸ˜‰

As you know since I work in retail, Friday’s don’t mean the end of a work week for me but I do have Sunday off so that is something to celebrate! John is going upstate tonight to spend the weekend with his mom for her birthday and I am so bummed I can’t go. But alas, I have to work tomorrow. So that means I will be spending this evening going to hot yoga again AND tomorrow evening too! I will be eating my weekend pizza alone and that’s sad, but it does mean I get to watch all the Kardashians I want without John trying to suffocate me πŸ™‚ Anywho, let’s go over some week highlights besides my lovely anniversary!

I actually forgot to post this but I had the best turkey burger of my life last Sunday night at Sullivan Bistro. It was topped with onions and blue cheese and the fries were unlike any I’ve had before. SUPER thin and crispy with sauteed onions throughout them. I have a serious love affair with onions and it’s probably why I don’t have many friends. Trust me, it’s worth it.

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I also received my new sneakers that I got for $15 on Amazon! That’s only because I traded in a textbook but so cool right? I actually had these last year but sent them back after not liking how much mesh there was but I REALLY have not been loving the Wave Precision 13’s I’ve been wearing at all. These are the Wave Elixir 8’s and they feel ALMOST as great as my precious 7’s.

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Yep, still wearing shorts on any day above 39 degrees. So far they feel really good but my left foot is still feeling really wonky and overall I am out of running shape. My pace has been faster than it was in the summer/fall but everything feels hard. So much for “staying in half marathon shape” after all my fall races!

So on my lovely anniversary date when we went to get coffee after dinner, I treated myself and ordered a chai tea latte instead of just a normal coffee. I COMPLETELY forgot to order it with soy milk and drank the whole thing without realizing my mistake. I was up most of the night Wednesday and in pain all day and night with some of the worst stomach pains of my life, thanks to the dairy milk and also partially from the sugar since I never drink things like that. I can’t believe how sensitive I am to it now!

Besides my stomach pain, I taught a great spin class last night and was so happy when one of the students told me she was brand new to the gym and it would be her first class. I can proudly say that I made her feel comfortable and she stuck through a little more than half of the class before leaving, which I told her she could do. I would have loved for her to stay on the bike even if she couldn’t keep pedaling, which I also told her she could do, but I also know that other students would have been looking at her wondering why she wasn’t pedaling so the option to leave really helped her. I smiled at her a bunch of times during class and I REALLY hope I made an impact on her to come back! I will truly never teach a class where I intimidate or call people out. What is the point? We’re all there for a purpose but the main thing needs to be to have fun! And to feel motivated without someone screaming orders at you. I think I really deliver that. Jeesh, I just want to teach all day!! πŸ™‚

Oh and my pre-workout fuel before spin was amazing. I watched the first two episodes of this season’s GIRLS (available for free here!) while chowing down on a bowl of banana oats with Biscoff, a splash of almond milk, and a tiny bit of crumbled carrot cake from my anniversary.

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Perrrfect. We ended up throwing the rest of the cake away because the frosting was just TOO much.

And I began my day with a very chilly 3.7 mile run in Central Park. I underdressed for the first time during a winter run and it’s NOT fun. My ears were so cold and my sinuses are going to bug me all day now. I also got back to the gym to no hot water, so I had to take a cold shower. It was pretty awful, but what can ya do?!

The cold sucks but this sunrise does not.
The cold sucks but this sunrise does not.

And to save the best for last…

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I GOT INTO THE NYC HALF MARATHON!!!!!!!! They reopened the lottery and I got in this round!!! It was completely a surprise because I had forgotten all about it, then I saw someone post about it on Instagram and quickly logged on to my NYRR account and boom! Boom to my credit card too, because I wasn’t ready for that expense πŸ˜‰ It’s the priciest race I’ve done so far ($117) but I am SO EXCITED!! Running through Times Square with no tourists around is going to be ahhhmazing.Β 

What has your week looked like?

Friday night plans?

12 thoughts on “Happy Friday! (+YAY!)”

  1. I will be at the Half cheering you on!!! Congrats on getting in!! I am signed up to volunteer for 9+1, my start time is 5am haha πŸ™‚

  2. That burger looks delicious! I put a whole sautΓ©ed onion on pretty much anything I eat so I feel ya there, plus I’m kind of obsessed with garlic so I’m basically meant to be friendless.

  3. How exciting to get into the half! I’d love to run that one.

    Carrot cake and biscoff, yum!! I just tried cookie butter for the first time this Christmas, ommggg. Can’t stop eating it, I had to bring 3 jars back with me to London lol!

  4. Congratulations! What an awesome surprise that must’ve been!!! & those new/old runners are fabulous.

    I’m ~curious~ have you always been sensitive to certain foods or was it something that came from changing your diet? Just wondering as I too suffer from some dairy intolerance {though I refuse to live without cheeeeese}.

    1. The dairy intolerance came about a little less than a year ago, however since I’ve had IBS since I was born I might have always had a dairy issue but never linked it to that ya know? But now that I completely stay away from it it hurts SO bad when I eat it! 😦 Once I started to eat healthy years ago though, I noticed what foods REALLY bother me and it’s pretty much all foods that arent that great for ya anyways. Kind of good but I do miss cheese!

  5. Textbook for shoes? Brilliant! Love the sunrise and am SO happy for your half!! On Friday night I was glued to the couch watching season 3 of Parks & Rec. It was perfectly lazy.

    1. Right?! Its amazing what amazon will do for you! I’m still trying to get into Parks and Rec but have only seen a few episodes from season 1 since i have so many other shows im still trying to catch up on!

      1. It does get sooo much better after you get through the early episodes. But yes — so rude that we have to show up at work daily and lose out on tv time!!

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