Workouts + Race + FOOD

Over the last 5 years of blogging, I still have never gotten more creative with my titles. It’s not a strong suit of mine. It’s to the point and I guess that’s what matters!

I am going to do a recap of our honeymoon in Los Angeles/Vegas soon but for now want to get back into workouts and food related posts!


A bazillion spin classes a week 🙂 I have 8 set classes per week and then I usually sub 3-4 more. If you are in the NY area and want my schedule, shoot me an email or follow me on Instagram (@jenspinsnyc) for my schedule! First class at Harlem Cycle is only $12.50 and I can bring you as a guest to NYSC if it’s your first class there.


I run here and there and do push-ups every day whenever I get the chance- literally, on the bathroom floor at work when I am in there! It takes a few seconds to bust out 10 of them and get some blood flowing. I unfortunately have not been to Barry’s since I got home from my honeymoon! Hoping to make my debut back there this weekend. I have lost some muscle and I am sad about that!


Andrea and I ran a 10K last Saturday! The weekend before we ran 4 miles together and it was the longest I’ve run in quite awhile but luckily because of spin I still have some endurance! The race was FREEZING but gorgeous. It was called the Falling Leaves 10K.


The race FLEW by talking with this girl. So thankful for our friendship, thanks to blogging! 🙂 The post-race spread was awesome! They had tons of flavors of bagels, cream cheese and peanut butter to spread, Clif bars and these new Clif squeezeable food pouches (I had the banana mango coconut, so good), apples and grapes! I am really longing to get back into good distance shape and I was just a little sore the day after the 10K, so I have to try to stay in running shape this winter which is never easy! So far I am planning my half marathon comeback at the Binghamton Half Marathon on May 7th and maybe get into the NYC Half in March through the lottery!


Just some random pictures of amazing things I’ve had the last couple of weeks. Let’s just say I have not been eating all that healthy since I got home from my honeymoon, save for some lunch time salads that are too boring to get a picture of!

Amazing vegan pastries John got us a few weeks ago from Cinnamon Snail. Top left is a pumpkin pecan donut, the bottom middle is a pumpkin donut topped with a pumpkin cookie (?!) and the top right is a peanut butter chocolate cinnamon bun. As ridiculously amazing as you would expect!


I was sick a couple of weeks ago and asked the woman working at Juice Press what would be good for a cold. This is the BEST smoothie/juice I’ve ever had. It’s called Nurse Ginger Green and it is almost worth $10.


AMAZING bacon and egg breakfast sandwich that Andrea and I had for brunch at Chelsea Station. The bun was sweet and the salad was salty and it was perfect refuel after our 4 mile run and spin class!


My new drink obsession: matcha lattes. They are a lot more than coffee so I’m just treating myself on weekends but they are GOOD. I am totally not a green tea person by any means, but a soy matcha latte with splenda is delish and supposedly there are lots of health benefits to matcha. Plus, it’s pretty.


And lastly we have some delicious chicken hibachi from Benihana. I had never been before and it was so fun! The chicken fried rice was incredible due to the fact that they put stick of garlic butter in it.


So now that I am back to blogging- tell me what you would like to see! Day in the life posts? Weekly workout recaps? Spin playlists/workouts? Rambles like I usually do? 

I’m engaged!

So I know I still have a lot of catching up to do on the second part of our Costa Rica trip, a review on a book launch party STILL, and just life in general over the last couple of months- but before I try to find time to do those, I have to share with you all the best news ever which is that I AM ENGAGED!!


I was beyond shocked and still am! I very randomly signed up for a 10K last Sunday basically 24 hours before hand, and John already had the ring but wasn’t planning to propose until closer to our trip to Mexico. I guess he couldn’t wait and thought after a race would be the perfect time, and it really was! This was my first race in months since I deferred my entry to the NYC Marathon until next year and basically stopped running, and it went SO well! I felt great the whole race and pushed myself through the race, only stopping once right before mile 4 to stretch my hip. I was already elated crossing the finish line, then we waited in line for awhile for my free yoga mat which turned me into a bit of a hangry, sweaty and cold grump 😉 John asked if he could take pictures of me closer to the water (the race started and ended on Pier 81 on the West Side Highway, one of my favorite spots!) and I yelled at him, multiple times. We walked over to the water and I was of course scrolling through Instagram, ignoring his pleas to get me to put my phone and bag down and pose for a picture. He finally said just put your stuff down for one second, and when I did he was reaching into his camera bag and pulled out the box. I screamed so loud and for so long that I never even heard him ask me the question! Haha it was really surreal and so, so sweet. We were both unshowered and gross, but hey we keeps it real.

Oh and the ring… He did gooooood. 😉



I am so beyond excited to spend the rest of my life with my best friend 🙂